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Thursday, October 29, 2009


Jeg tok en liten titt i "spesielle mail"-mappa mi og fant noen kule emailer jeg har fått fra band en gang i tiden. Det er alltid gøy å få svar fra band.

Først ute er Beautypill:

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: hey! about our latest album
> From:
> Date: Thu, April 29, 2004 8:26 am
> To:
> hi! I'm from Norway and I have resently bought your album, The
> Unsuistable
> Lifestyle. I really love it. This is nice music to listen to. I would
> be so
> glad if you were coming to Norway to hold a consert. That would be
> great!
> Greetings from Baardis!

thank you!
it's exciting to hear that people in norway are listening to the album. we would love to tour europe but we
aren't sure yet when we will be able to or what countries we'll be playing. thanks for writing us!
:) basla

Fra Jet Johnson:

>Subject: hei
>Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 15:58:57 +0200
>Jeg hørte deg på radioen 20 mai, og jeg synes Jet Johnson er dritbra. Jeg liker stemmen din skikkelig bra! Når kommer neste plate/singel? Mine favorittband er Smashing Pumpkins, Opeth, Deftones, Beck og Sonic Youth.. liker du noen av dem?
>vennelig hilsen bårdis
>ps. bildet er tatt i fjor da jeg var 16.

hei Bårdis,
tusen takk for det - fint bilde..........

Jeg er stor fan av sonic youth og Beck, syns Smashing Pumpkins er bra men har ikke noe særlig forhold til Deftones eller Opeth--
neste single kommer 21 juni - Death Song heter den, skikkelig munter sak om forskjellige måter å dø på...
ha fin sommer!

Fra Billy Mahonie:

>Subject: hei
>Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2005 15:41:01 +0100
>I thougt I had to write you a fan letter. I recently discovered your
>band when I was listening to Harald Are Lund on the radiostation
>home in Norway. After listening at one song, which I also recorded
>with my minidisc, I got real interested: This is my kind of music.
>I wish Billy Mahonie's members a great year,

Cheers Bård,
thanks for your email, not sure how easily one can find BM records in Norway.
I actually live in Oslo and have seen albums in Tiger and Big Dipper, but possibly not as easy to fine outside of the capital.
anyway, Bm are unfortunately going through a quite patch right now as i have just had a baby and the rest of the band live in london! we have a plan to record new album in the summer though,
well very best and thanks for writing

Og så Odawas:

Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 16:48:22 +0200

>hi! I recently bought your album at Amazon and thinks it is very great. I
>like especially "kids" and "behind the moon", those are so relaxing to
>listen at. The whole album is of course great!
>I doubt you are gonna play in Norway in the future, but if you did, it would
>be nice.
>greetings from Baardis

Dear Bård,

Thanks for the nice note from Norway. I appreciate you taking the time to write. I've never been to Norway, but I have ancestors from that nape of Europe.

We're hoping to tour Europe next summer, maybe we'll stop by Norway. What city do you live in??

We're recording a new record now and have some tracks up on

Thanks again,


Og så til Samuel Jackson 5:

On Sep 24, 2006, at 2:31 PM, wrote:

> Tilbakemelding hei, så dere på lørdag. faen det var bra
> konsert as!

Hei Bård og takk så mye! Vi storkoste oss både før, under og etter.
LFIS var det ordntli hyggelig å varme opp for gitt.

Takk for at du kom!
Thomas - SJ5

Og så til Say Hi To Your Mom (nå Say Hi):

On Dec 20, 2006, at 10:13 AM, wrote:

> Hi,
> How come you guys don't come to Norway and hold concert? That would
> be really great.
> Well, thank you for the great music SHTYM offer me, and I'm seeing
> forward to your next albums.
> Best regards,
> Baard

hi baard, thanks for writing. i would love to come to norway at some
point, but unfortunately, for financial reasons, this isn't yet
possible. i hope this will change soon.

eric / say hi to your mom

Og så til Film School:

On Nov 3, 2007, at 3:07 AM, wrote:

I just wanted to say that I really like your music. I am a Norwegian and you guys are not so well known here (I imagine maybe about 50 people around the country have heard of you - which is very sad), but I 'discovered' you when searching through Mark Lanegan's music label, Beggars. If I had the power to get certain bands to play in Norway, Film School should have been one of them - for sure!

The (maybe uninteresting) picture is me and a friend dancing. I usually dont like to dance, but if the music is good, and I have had anough beer, and there is pretty girls, I'm there!

Best greetings


hey bard, thanks so much! do you mind if we post this letter on our blog as a "fan" letter? we love it and would like to share it.

we need to get out to norway soon!

Og The Warlocks:

On Dec 22, 2007 3:34 PM, wrote:

Hey The Warlocks band,

I really love your music, and I'm wishing intense that you would come to Norway by 2008. I will keep this fan letter short, because I honestly dont have anything interesting things to say.

I wish you guys a merry christmas and a happy new year,


ps, where can I read your lyrics?

Well thanks for this Mr Baardis, we been to norway before but not in a few years. You just never know take care .. The Warlocks

Og til slutt Calla:

--- On Sat, 10/4/08, wrote:

> From:
> Subject: Hei Calla
> To:
> Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008, 1:20 PM
> Hi,
> just wanted to say that I received your album Collisions in
> my mail today, and I have listened through it several times
> today. I have listened through that album and other albums
> before, but then just mp3 files illegally downloaded. Yep, I
> do download music for free. But I do this just to keep sure
> that an artist/band is good enough to have a cd of them in
> my collection. Many artists/bands have one or two great
> songs on an album, and the rest of the tracks are crap, I
> really hate that. But Collisions is great! And I think I am
> going to buy other of your albums soon, especially if you
> reply this email. You guys probably wondered what
> 'hei' in 'hei calla' was, and that was
> 'hi' in Norwegian - Yepp, this is an Norwegian fan.
> Hope you will play here some day!
> Best regards,
> Baardis

hi Bård, we appreciate your support and email, if you liked collisions we recommend televised as your next purchase,.etc. thank you! best, calla/aurelio

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Jeg hadde vel egentlig tenkt til å dra ut i kveld. Men så var det ingen i nærmeste vennekrets i klassen som ville. Kjipt. Igår hadde vi ølfestival (meg, sigurd og lars). Det var knall. Vi drakk veldig mye og god øl. Vi var og ute på byen. Det var kult. Jeg har en øl igjen nå. Kjipt.

Friday, October 16, 2009


mix 16/10-09

1.soulsavers - praying ground
2.lou barlow - sharing
3.lou barlow - gravitate
4.papercuts - you can have what you want
5.the warlocks - standing between the lovers of hell
6.the organ - there is nothing i can do woodrose - baby blows your mind
8.low frequency in stereo - texas fox
9.pixies - gauge away
10.shannon wright - you hurry wonder
11.autolux - under orbit
12.the walkmen - a night in the nursery
13.hala strana - stouthrief morning jacket - master plan
15.the warlocks - come save us
16.smashing pumpkins - opbscured
17.the clean - franz kafka at the zoo
18.spoon - the minor tough
19.björk - come to me - a place of no eyes
21.deftones - one weak

Sunday, October 11, 2009

mix 11/10/09

1.subaudible hum - untitled
2.papercranes - sea red
3.electrelane - five
4.colour revolt - blood in your mouth
5.grimble grumble - senseless
6.elliott smith - cupids trick
7.sharron kraus - thrice toss these oaken ashes
8.say hi to your mom - not as goth as they say we are
9.candies - you fly while driving
10.king missile - fourtly
11.force of nature - the stroll
12.paul k - overture
13.smashing pumpkins - rhinoceros
14.swell - tonight
15.kristin hersh - srb
16.emily jane white - wild tigers i have known
17.brmc - ha ha high babe
18.bedroom walls - somewhere in newhall